Abby Girl Sweets

Wow–it has been entirely too long since I have been inspired with a new bakery. This is partially my fault because I somehow always end up at my favorites…Amy’s Bread I am looking at you. Thankfully, though, this small family-run bakery located near my hometown gave me an excuse to blog again. Abby Girl Sweets Cupcakery has two locations in Cincinnati and get this–on top of their abundant cupcake staples that are always available, store owners, Nathan and Andrea Thompson, also keep customers on their toes with a flavor of the week. I need to let you guys in on a little secret to get my point across. My obsession with cake includes cake slices and cake slices only (okay you got me, I love cake balls too). Anyway, I rarely find cupcakes that bring me just as much joy as a thick, dense piece of cake. To my astonishment, Abby Girl Cupcakes achieved this satisfaction. Before I tasted one, my friends, Andrea and Abby Swensen, were trying to convince me that these cupcakes would blow my mind. I was almost scared to try them because I am very aware of my cake snobbery. Luckily, I ended up trying two of their signature flavors including, Strawberry Delight and Vanilla Bean…and then went back for the Double Trouble (a chocolate cupcake filled with vanilla buttercream, dipped in ganache). And guess what!! I LOVED them all. The flavors were rich, the cake silky smooth, and the frosting just sweet enough. Thank you, Abby Girl Sweets Cupcakery, for making me cupcakes I am excited (and proud) to come home to. Until next time! Happy eating, everyone 🙂


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